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What's in a Listing? Do a Search of your Site or Ezine.

By Donna Sweat
Posted Thursday, July 1, 2004

Recently while doing a search for content to put in my
ezine, I thought I might see just how many listings I
had for my ezine,"Dee's Helpful Info." I typed my
ezine name into the search bar and hit enter. I was
amazed with the results. There were several hundred
listings, many of which I had forgotten about.
I began with the top listing,working my way though the
huge list. Right away,I ran into problems.

1] I did not have Id's and passwords for some of the
listing updates.As a new entrepreneur months ago,I used
Netscape 4.7,which had no ability to keep these
important pieces of information.I recommend using
Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher along with a great
little companion,Gator! Both remember these tidbits of
information for you.Gator will accept more than I
user,and my children wouldn't be without him.You can
download the most recent version at

2] Once I viewed my listing,I was shocked at the
information listed. This really is old content,I
thought. The summary: Update often! At least monthly
and keep a list of the sites you submit a listing to.
I had not only increased subscribers by hundreds,but I
also designed a new web site, and these listings sent
everyone to a "non-existent" site! And to top this all
off, my subscription address had also changed. I
started out using Aureate Group Mail,progressed to
listbot, got all settled in and listbot I
moved on to Topica.The moral of this tip:If you make
any important changes, UPDATE!

3] Moving down the list...Now we have a new problem,we
can't update this listing because there is no contact
e-mail or login box.Be careful of sites like this one.

4] Now we are finding listings not related to my
newsletter at all.Why? The key words are Dee's,
Helpful,Info. and Newsletter. One or all of these
describe many other listings not related to my
newsletter.Maybe I should change our newsletter name?

Now lets change to another search engine.
I have tried several but lets face it, Yahoo is the
Now you ask.....what's the point to this article?
The point is...your losing business if your listing is
not correct! A wrong e-mail address, or web site
url,can take away business from your site.
Always stay a step ahead..

About the Author
Donna Sweat
Endless Mts.Home Business


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