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Why Web Designers Should Promote Themselves as Problem-Solvers

By Bonnie Lowe
Posted Thursday, September 30, 2004

Wouldn't it be great if all you had to do to make money designing web sites is create your own site as a shining example of your creative talent, and then sit back and wait for the offers to come pouring in? Don't hold your breath.

There are thousands of competing web site designers promoting their services. Unless you get your site ranked among those on the first page or two of the search engine listings, most prospective clients will never even see it. But this isn't an article about how to get better search engine rankings.

There is another way to find clients - advertising. More specifically, advertising focused directly at your target market, which is small business owners looking for your services.

Here's a tip: do not follow the advertising examples you see in newspapers, the Yellow Pages, or on the Internet - most of them are ineffective. They feature nice graphics and have attractive layouts, but they use phrases like "Database development, Interactive Forms, HTML/ASP/XML services..." Put yourself in your prospect's shoes. Do those words tell him anything useful? What if he's not "Internet-savvy," doesn't know if he needs a database, or has no clue what HTML is?

Instead, explain how your service will give your prospect what he needs. For example, "Increase your sales and profits by promoting your products and services online with a well-designed, effective web siteā€¦" Describe the benefits of having a web site. Use terms that will appeal to the prospect (save time, save money, increase profits, etc.). Instead of trying to convince people that you are the best designer, convince them that you understand their needs and can solve their problems!

Here are some more advertising tips:

* Tell EVERYONE that you are starting a web site design business and are looking for clients.
* Contact your local newspaper and tell them about your new business that offers services to the community. Sometimes human-interest stories like this are just what they're looking for.
* Write articles about the importance of web sites in promoting business on the Internet, and submit them to the newspaper, Chamber of Commerce newsletters, and any other sources you can think of.

You must understand the importance of promoting yourself and your services; it's a key element of a successful business. But don't spend all of your time talking about your business; spend most of it listening to other people. Build rapport. Get people to identify you as someone who understands their business needs. Keep the focus on them, find out what they need to make their business better, and then tell them how you can help them get it!

For more information on how to build or enhance your web site design or webmaster business, download the comprehensive and FREE "Webmaster Business Master Course" from the following link: (

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