Looking for Trouble (part one)
By Mario Taillon
Posted Thursday, December 9, 2004
During the creation of your business, you will learn things that will surprise you.
How's that for a headline!
You don't realize it, but in the next few minutes you're going to learn how much this is more than just a headline.
I say that looking for trouble is the core of learning. In business, as well as in any other area of knowledge and experience.
Nothing less!
But don't stress yourself just now. Looking for trouble can even mean something as mundane as going outside of your habits in any usual activity.
Why looking for trouble?
To learn something new, something that's never been done before, and even something that's opposite to your usual opinion, you'll have at a certain point to look for trouble.
I mean you'll have to take a risk. The outcome of taking that risk will be anything between an unexpected success and a new problem you'll have to solve somehow later on.
Probably not what outcome you where expecting beforehand.
Any way you will be surprised: First benefit. Everybody needs excitement. (Well, most of the time..., should I say)
Second, if you get an unexpected success, well you'll learn something new: you're better than you thought beforehand and you'll listen better to your instinct in the future, which should be very good for your business!
Or Third: You've created yourself a new problem, and here the benefit is twofold: first, you're now less anxious about the topic you've been taking that risk about, and second, you've got something new to learn!
Yes! How to solve that new problem you've just created. And during the process of solving that problem, you'll even have the opportunity to look for further trouble! Take new risks! Isn't that wonderful?
Personally I always look for the third possibility. It's the one that brings me the richest outcome: I'll have something new to learn! And I've never ever came into something I've not been able to solve afterwards. Guess what this does on my self esteem!
You can do the same for YOUR self esteem today!
Choose carefully something you've wanted to do for a long time or something you would like very much to do but didn't yet.
Choose what you would like to try about it, do it, wait for the outcome...
Be surprised!
Become a professional!
Taking risks in business doesn't mean taking some really big risk once in a while and sit down idle the rest of the time...
No. Taking risks in business means continuously taking many little mundane risks. And always improving on something.
Isn't this different from current perception?
It's adding value to your day to day life!
It keeps you from living on autopilot.
With the bonus of learning now the skills how to successfully take bigger risks later on!
Can we really afford not to take risks?
If no, you should make it a point to practise taking risks and adding value to your day to day life.
Just be careful!
About the Author
Mario Taillon likes to boost your mind and to help you develop your way of doing business on the web. He is the author of "Build Your Future" an ebook about how you can do business on the web, and of "Create Your Own Trend" a bi-weekly newsletter.