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How to choose the right Web Hosting Deal

By Britt Phillips
Posted Friday, August 6, 2004

Chosing a web host is one of the most important decisions facing every person who wishes to have their own web site for personal or business use. You need to look at price, dependability, features, speed, support, etc.

When putting up a web site (in addition to the site of course) you need two things. First is your own domain name. The other is a reliable web host. By going to our web site ( you can read a very detailed article about setting up your on domain name and why it is absolutely crucial to your Internet success!

There are thousands of companies on the Internet each offering what at first glance, may appear to be a great web hosting deal. This article will explain how it all works in plain english, and what to look for when choosing a host.

Simply put, a web host is someone you pay a fee to and in return they allow you so much space on their server in which to store the files that make up your web site. You want to make sure you go with a web host that provides
enough server space for you to grow your business. You will really be surprised at just how fast your web site will accumulate pages, graphics, and many other things that will eat up space. The wise move is to get the space you need up front. If not, you will pay much more for it later!

Most look at price as the first consideration when searching for a web host. Price is important but as you will discover a little further on in this article, it will not be an issue for you if you make a very wise decision.

All web hosting companies package their deals according to the following: Amount of web space, amount of traffic your web site gets, number of email addresses you require, Real Audio, Real Video, auto responders etc. There other items as well but these are the biggest determining factors.

Here's where web hosting companies differ. One might charge a monthly fee of $100.00 and give you 30 megs of server space, one email account, one auto responder, and place a small limit on the amount of traffic you get. This is not a good deal for you for many reasons that you will soon discover.

Let's look at another deal. You get 75 megs of server space, four email accounts, two auto responders (additional ones are just $5.00 monthly in addition to your regular hosting fee) and you also get no limit on traffic. The monthly fee for this deal is just $29.95. Is this deal better than the one above? Sure, but is it the best deal you can find on the internet? No way!

The last example is better cause it's cheaper and you get more for features for your money but that's about it. There are companies that charge all kinds of monthly fees and do creative things to make it appear as you are getting an unbelivable deal and value for your money. Always look at the fine print!

The problem most have when first starting out is they do not know enough about web design and how much they will learn to depend on their web host. They soon discover these things over time but by then they have already put many hours of design time and do not want to bother with the aggravation of switching to another web host that would give them a much better deal. The web hosting companies know this and that's one reason why they all do things the way they do. They try to catch you while you aren't educated.

One of the biggest mistakes most people make when picking a web host is they agree to pay an ongoing monthly fee for web hosting services. Every month you must pay the web hosting company. No matter if your web site gets one single visitor or you do any business of any kind. This repeats every month. More and more money you have to pay out. It never ends!

The other mistake is, most people sign for for web hosting with a company that doesn't have a built in resellers program. a resellers program pays you every time someone visits your site, or answers an ad which points them to
more information about your web hosting company. This is very important as each day 67,000 new people log on to the Internet for the very first time. Most of these people will be searching very soon for a web host and from reading above, you already now know exactly what they will be facing. You will soon discover how you can offer them the best web hosting deal!

The good news is you do not have to waste your valuable time searching for the best web hosting deal. Just like AOL and other services went to a flat rate for service, you can pay a one time, low flat rate and never pay a fee every month to yoru web host! Not only do you pay a one time flat fee, you also get many more features than the other web hosting companies offer!

Knowing what you have just discovered by reading this article, if I were to tell you it were possible to get 200 megs of web space, pop email account, secure ordering server, unlimited email redirects, subscribable mailing lists, unlimited auto responders, unlimited email aliases, unlimited cgi bin access to include your own scripts, shopping cart, Anonymous FTP, Front Page extensions, ability to password protect directories, counters, chat, unlimited montly web site traffic, online web wizard, cgi scripts for guest book, FFA links page, bulletin board, web site search engine, domain name registration, form cgi, 24/7 FTP & Telnet access, WUSAGE 4.0 Online Traffic Stats, Online Users Manual, support for Java, PERL, C++, TCL, and Python, and Microsoft Front Page, 24 hr. Free Tech Support and more, would I have your attention? If not, check for a pulse!!! By the way you also get a full 30 day money back guarantee to completely test services!

If you aren't at all sure what most of what's included means in the above paragraph, don't worry. Just keep in mind they are things you will need in order to get the very best out of your web site to generate traffic and orders.

About the Author
© Article by Britt Phillips of Worldwide Ad Network. You may have seen Britt on the nationally televised "Making Money" infomercial with Don Lapre! For that incredible story, plus FREE "how-to" publicity tips, cutting edge business opportunities, web services, free software, and more visit ( and join the millions who are making serious money!

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