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How To Pull Bigger Profits From Your Existing Website Starting

By Grady Smith
Posted Thursday, September 30, 2004

Reading this article -- implementing 4 simple "profit stream" activation techniques -- and instantly increasing the profitability of your website in as little as a day.

How much of a profit increase are we talking about?

Some might bring in an extra $100 weekly. Others might make thousands more. And still others might open completely new profit levels and pull six-figure yearly incomes (or more), from their website after using these strategies.

In fact, there is real proof that these strategies can do that for you. My clients and my own websites have seriously benefited from using the techniques I'm about to layout for you.

So where are these streams of profit?

Here's how to start using natural mechanics on your website right now that will help you stop losing money and help you start maximizing the different means of generating money from your existing website:

Creating A Strong Backend System Can Automatically Make Your Website 10 Times More Profitable!

Backend systems -- we hear so much about them, but rarely implement one for ourselves. And sadly, by not having something in place as simple as a short automatic email follow-up, you might be losing hundreds ... even thousands of dollars.

You've worked darned hard to get that customer to make a first purchase from you. And you know by their action of actually reaching for their credit card and punching in their numbers that they are in fact VERY interested in the subject of your product or service.

So give them more of what they want. Create additional products that compliment your main offer and put a price tag on them. Find some affiliate programs for products you just know your new customers will love -- and tell them about it.

Any new order you get could instantly be "fed" into an autoresponder, and it can follow-up with your prospects on complete auto-pilot. Tell them about your other products. Create package deals of bundled products, and offer them at discounted prices after you've made a new customer. Just using this one strategy alone allowed me to turn my average customer from a $47 profit to a $167 profit.

Tweak Your Sales Letter Until It's Working Like A Money-Pumping Machine!

A sales letter that pulls a 1% conversion compared to a letter that could be pulling a 4% conversion is a money waster. Don't let it happen to you! Keep tweaking your letter until you get it pulling at its true potential. Or hire a professional to do it for you.

Think about it...

If your letter converts at 1% (meaning you need 100 visitors to your site to make a sale), and you offer a $37 product, you only make about $260 a week if you get 100 hits a day.

But with a letter converting at 4% (meaning you need only 25 visits to your site to make a sale), with the same 100 visitors a day, you're now making over $1,000 weekly.

Your sales letter is one of the biggest places you can increase profits from. Work with your headline ... change your guarantee ... start fresh and create a new sales letter from scratch after studying the craft of writing powerful copy. More money with less traffic is always a powerful motivator.

A Strong Autoresponder System Can Instantly Double Your Website's Conversion!

Once you get your sales letter converting at a number you're happy with, go ahead and "super-charge" it by adding a strong autoresponder series. Just one sequence of 7-10 messages done correctly can double your conversion (and profits) instantly.

The secret is offering a free report that visitors to your site will really want in exchange for their email address. This gets them in your autoresponder system automatically, and lets you build a solid list for the next technique.

Collect Email Addresses -- And Run Offers Through It For Various Affiliate Programs!

Here's another one neglected one by a lot of marketers (myself included).

I have a good sized list now -- I know what they like -- yet I rarely search out affiliate programs so I can market new products to them.

Big mistake!

In just about an hour you can search for appropriate affiliate products that those on your list will have an interest in, write a quick letter to send them through your affiliate link, and make some extra money on the side.

In fact, I've heard of marketers making tens of thousands with one-time mailings that take them about an hour to create and send! It's just a matter of finding the right product to match with your list, and writing a short email.

The fact is, your website is probably loaded with new ways you can make money right now. It's just a matter of seeking them out -- developing them -- and waiting for the new income to come through your bank account. It's better than trying to increase traffic, and much easier.

FREE: 7-page report titled "How Anyone Can Find Hidden Profit Streams Inside Of Their Existing Website That Can Start Generating Thousands of Extra $$$ Overnight"! with even more techniques for creating more money with your website. Just visit (

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