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Why you are wasting your time without your own Internet domain name!

By Britt S. Phillips
Posted Saturday, August 14, 2004

Imagine for a moment you are surfing the web, and you run across a link with a headline promising that if you click it, you will discover a way to earn a phenominal income. So, you go ahead and click it and stand by to be taken to the associated web site. Here's a small part of the psychology that goes on in 89% of web surfers minds as they look for helpful web sites.

Using the example above, lets pretend the person is going to your web site and when they get there they see it's an address that looks kind of like this...


What's the very first thought the little voice says to them in their head? They hear a very loud voice saying...

"This web site is not making any money cause the owner can't generate enough money to purchase their own domain name!"

It doesn't matter if this is true or not. You could be doing very well with a non domain name but if the majority of people assume otherwise, think of all the business you will lose every day. I know this first hand and when I think about it, it makes we wish I had got my own domain name much sooner than I did. I used to have a small little web site hosted on AOL. It was two megs and I thought it was doing pretty well. Once I got my own domain name, my daily visits jumped dramatically and my orders more than quadrupled!

Our company web address used to be...

Now it's... (

Without your own domain name (like ( people will not take you seriously. Having your own domain name also will allow you to have very professional email addresses such as..., or anything else you desire like staff@..., president@...., information@.... etc. Can you now start to see why this is?

So by now you should already realize how crucial it is for you to have your own Internet domain name. There is one more step needed before you sign up for a domain name. You will need to check to see if the name you want is already taken. One easy way to do it is to type in the name you want and see if it comes up as a valid Internet address. The other, and much more reliable method, is to conduct a WHOIS search. A WHOIS search will tell you if the domain name you want is available and if not who owns the Internet name. Go to... (

Anyone can very easily get their own web domain name. Network Solutions is the company that is responsible for assigning domain names and with whom everyone must register a given name. You can contact them direct, or many web hosting companies will send in your domain name request for you if you sign up with their web hosting offer. Make sure you read our article... "How to choose the right web hosting deal" so you will know the inside stuff to make sure you get the absolute best deal available to you on the Internet. The fee for an Internet domain name is just $70.00 for two years.

A word to the wise about picking a domain name. Always try to come up with a domain name that is generic in nature and will not lock you into one certain type of business. You will discover new and interesting programs as you learn more about the Internet and you will want to include some of them on your web site. if the name of your site limited you to one certain type of business, it would confuse site visitors and you will lose business.

I of course have to let you in on another challenge you are up against. The "domain name entrepreneurs", these are people who decided one day to sit and think of all the best possible domain names one might desire to own. Yes, you guessed it, they bought up tons of good names. Why? because they know Internet domain names are transferable. This means they can pay $70.00 for the name and then sit on it until someone comes along who wants it. Right again, the owner can sell the domain name for whatever amount they can get for it! There are many sites on the web that do this. These people always demand insane prices for these domain names as they know some of the really best names will generate tons of web traffic just on the name alone. Think about it.

Alright, so you know you need to come up with a name. Try to pick a name that is very easy to remember. Imagine you were telling someone in a hurry what the domain name is and you want to make sure they will remember it on their way home from a shopping mall for example in rush hour traffic. The best domain names are simple one or two word names. Ours is the name of our company. I chose it because the words are highly searchable. I've also found that if you r company name is one thing, and your web domain name is something else, some people will write their checks out to your domain name. Remember the web is full of new people learning!

If you would like to brainstorm some domain names with someone and gain the benefit of a great creative mind, give Britt a call at 1-804-276-4630. I will be glad to help you pick a name that will serve your Internet goals the best. Picking the right domain name can really help generate extra site traffic!

About the Author
Article by Britt Phillips of Worldwide Ad Network. Get FREE Instant Access to post 57 MILLION Free Ads! Join our FREE weekly newsletter. Post ads in just minutes! Discover many marketing tips, secrets and strategies to help you promote and grow your business fast! Subscribe to the Worldwide Ad Network arketing tips! (


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