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Debunking the myth that search engines bring in the most traffic.

By Ken Paul
Posted Wednesday, December 22, 2004

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Here are the real techniques that generate the most traffic.

Five (5) Things You Can Do to Increase Your Repeat Traffic Today:

Where do you think most webmasters get their traffic from? Search engines? No. Free For All Links Pages? No. Classified Ads? Not even close. Fact is, most webmasters get their traffic from bookmarks and -- as See You Again Shortcut™ quickly proliferates to thousands of web sites -- desktop shortcuts. In
other words, repeat visitors.

Bookmarks and desktop shortcuts are #1 by a long shot. So, you ask, how do I get people to add my site to their favorites and desktop? Below are some tips for attracting repeat customers to your site.

# 1. Have good content on your site.

People are more likely to bookmark or shortcut your site if it contains good quality content that’s of use to them. Think about it. Would you visit a site that was just a bunch of banners more than once?

# 2. Update often.

Your site should be updated on a regular basis such as daily or weekly. Visitors will check back often for new content on your site. If there is no new content from when they visited two months ago, they may click away, never to return.

# 3. Put reminders on your site to add your site to the desktop.

On every page of your site use our button or put a link in bold text that says "Add Us To Your Desktop!". With so many web sites out there how else are people supposed to remember how to find your site again?

# 4. Own and operate an opt-in email newsletter

A newsletter gives you a direct way to stay in touch with your visitors and to notify them of important updates to your site or provide them with helpful articles of interest to them. To find out about a great tool that will build your opt-in e-mail list for you please see the next article, "Reach Out and Stay in Touch With Your Visitors".

#5. Add Interactive Content to your site.

Adding interactive content to your site is very easy to do and it will lure people back to your site for a long time. An example of this is a message board. With a message board, people come to your site and post messages to it, checking back every few days for new messages or replies to theirs.

There you have it. If you do these five things that we have listed here, you should see an increase in the traffic to your site within the next few weeks!

About the Author
This article is submitted by Ken Paul, representative for the Author, Paul Burke. Paul is the President and founder of “SeeYouAgainSoftware” and has helped thousands drive traffic to their sites, increase their sales and get power branding. Visit this site to find out how you too can do the same: (


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