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Getting that Magical Click

By Fazly Mohamed
Posted Saturday, January 1, 2005

This article explains how to get people to click through to your targeted web page. We define the targeted webpage to be your ‘profit page’ – be it a page of your own or one of your affiliate sales pages – any page that has the potential to earn money for you. Getting traffic to the targeted page is the most important thing you need to do whether you are a marketing pro or a newbie in the world of web marketing. You need traffic (and their money..) to play with.

NOTE: Make sure your sales page does its job perfectly. We won’t bother about making any sales here – all we will focus herein is, to direct the visitors to the sales page – the sales page should do the rest. Many affiliate sales pages do a fantastic job in making the sale, but if it's your own sales page, it would be better to take sometime and make sure its in good shape.

If you have any marketing experience on Internet, you know how difficult it is to get some exposure to your ad – be it an email ad, a small ad running under an article you write on a webpage, or a small classified ad. Exposure is defined here as getting your ad visible to the users – that is, getting them just to ‘see’ your ad. This will cost you good money in most cases. But the most annoying thing after putting in some great effort and investment to get your ads appear in front of the visitors' eyes is, to see them click away. You must make the maximum use of this hardly earned ad space.

By following a simple strategy, you can dramatically increase the clicks to your page. Remember – we are only bothered about making the visitor ‘click’ to the site - the site should do the rest.

Follow this simple 2-step formula.

1 – Killer Initial Appearance Line
2 – Develop Interest and PUSH to the site

NOTE: The discussions may consider one or two niches such as email ads, pop up ads etc. But you can easily apply this formula to any kind of promotional material you use, once you master it.

1 – Killer Initial Appearance Line
Get the attention of the reader – This is the most important thing. If you fail this step, you lose the game early. This step stresses the importance of the initial appearance of the message to the visitors. Putting it simply, it could be the subject line of an email message or the first line of a classified or popup ad. You must make the visitor ‘wanting to find out more’.

Let’s say that you encounter emails in your inbox with one of the following subjects.

1. Great Digital Camera Offer
2. Featured Digital Camera This Week
3. Make Your Photos Speak and Sparkle
4. Fine Photos Ever Shine
5. Revolutionary Digital Camera For This Holiday
6. Cheap Digital Camera - Special Holiday Offer

- TIP: Always put yourself in your visitor's shoes to test the effectiveness of an ad -

Brainstorm the above well – pretend you are the visitor - this should give you some idea of how to get this step right. Most probable results to the above would be to kick open the ads 3 and 4, and throw the rest to the bin. Let's analyze what inspires the above behavior. If you analyze closely, all of the above but 3 and 4, doesn't tell anything other than something similar to "a great camera offer". Ads 3 and 4 speaks about getting your photos better. Do not promote the 'product’ but the 'benefit'. Customers buy benefits and not products.

2 – Develop Interest and PUSH to the site
Now you have the visitor looking for details. Tell and stress the benefits and features of the product and what the product has to offer for him/her. Sell the benefits and features. Never sell the product itself.

Proofread it, putting yourself in your visitor’s shoes, to verify the letter truly captures the interest of the reader. This requires some skill and experience, but you will be fine with time. Visit a good sales page and read through the first portion of it to get some idea on developing interest in the reader's mind.

TIP: If you are promoting an affiliate product, here is an easy way. Their sales pages are usually of high quality, as I said earlier. Read through and extract the most interesting part out and make the modifications accordingly, to fit into the context and put them in your ad.

All you need to do at last is, as it is obvious, to link the target page, with something like “more.. ”. The length of the ad can vary according to the context / space you have. This is a good classified ad for example, to your reference.

Make Your Photos Speak & Sparkle

Snaps are the memories of merriest moments of life. Why take blurring photos when you can produce high-quality lively ones that keeps your greatest occasions ‘as is’, even decades later? Find out HOW by visiting NOW –

Get the style? I bet this captured your interest.

So lets wrap up. All you need to get more clicks at ad exposure is,

- Write a Killer Initial Appearance Line
- Develop Interest and PUSH to the site

I hope this article is informative to you. Have a nice day…

Thank You

About the Author
Fazly Mohamed is a successful internet marketer and the author of some high quality publications. To get his valuable tips continuously, send a blank email to . You'll get a bonus report of the latest business model on the net with comprehensive information, if you join today.


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