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The Magic of Article Syndication

By Brian Holte
Posted Sunday, January 2, 2005

Whats the deal with promoting your ebook using article syndication anyways?

Maybe your having a hard time generating traffic for your ebook related site?

Are traffic exchanges bringing in traffic but causing your conversion rates to be lower than they should be?

How many of you rely on search engine traffic to bring you business?

You’ve put in many long hours to get your ebook site to be as search engine friendly as possible.

The free targted traffic your getting from the search engines is impressive, than one day you wake up, check your stats and notice a dramatic decrease in hits.

Oh, oh, you've been dropped by Google

You place your hands on your face and ask yourself;

“What am I going to do, 70% of my traffic is gone?”

Have you ever thought of creating a back-up traffic system just in case for some freak reason your ebook site got dropped from the search engines?

It’s been well documented that the majority of your traffic comes from the search engines

Have you ever thought of the benefits that article syndication could bring to your ebook?

If you’ve found your niche market and it’s grown to be a passionate subject for you, you should have no problem in publishing compelling articles.

It’s very rewarding when the time comes and you see your name in print, the feeling (for me anyways) was pretty cool.

The possible results...

Increased traffic, increased subscriber base, equates to more sales!

Imagine having total control over your articles...

If you’ve been on the net for awhile than you know that one of the best ways to promote you, your company, and your ebook products is through writing articles.

More importantly, writing articles is a great way of receiving free, pre-qualified targeted visitors to your ebook site. By syndicating your articles your taking advantage of viral marketing and the opportunity to be recognised as an expert in your field.

Because you have the knowledge of the topic your ebook is covering your writing should flow.

Use your knowledge to encourage others to strive to do better by sharing your successes with them.

You worked hard to create your ebook.

Now is not the time for self doubt, it is the time to promote your ebook through article syndication and other means.

Raise brand name awareness, increase your presence on the web.

Your articles attract the traffic, you don’t have to sell the ebook you have to sell yourself.

And that’s where article syndication can help: (

About the Author
Brian is a freelance writer and owner of ( He publishes a monthly ezine called The Ebook King Chronicles


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