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Multiply Your Traffic Through Deep Linking, Part 2

By Ginger Geracitano
Posted Tuesday, September 21, 2004

If you remember, I told you that I receive most of my unique traffic through a content page. This is achieved by using a rotating banner, and careful market research.

If you were hoping for an easy solution, you're about to be disappointed. Of the two steps taken, I suppose the rotating banner was the easiest for me, so I'll start with that. What exactly is a rotating banner? Well, I'm sure you've seen them used in banner exchanges, where your banner is thrown into a mix of dozens of others, in a click through exchange.

The rotating banner I use is based on the same principle, except that most of the banners shown link to other pages within my own site. Through the use of a java script, I rotate five banners. Three are internal links to my products page, and my E-Zine subscription page. The other two are linked to affiliate programs that I belong to.

The internally linked banners are set for a higher percentage, to show more often than the affiliate banners, due to my own goal of increasing membership, and sales. You can see the working model and tutorial page here: (

Now for the juicy part! How did I know that the visitors to this page of my site would be interested enough to actually click the banner? I have one word for you. FORUMS!

Being a web designer, and graphics artist, I have my hands in many graphics communities. Helping others, sharing knowledge, and learning from each other is how I got started on the internet, and I'll never forget it. Getting to know these people, how they think, and what they want and need was a key factor in my quest to start a business from my home.

There are countless people using graphics design as a hobby, and a way to keep busy. Housewives, retirees, students, you name it! Through discussion boards and mailing lists the one question I heard most often was, "Isn't there a way to make money on the Internet that really works?". Another popular question from these would-be 'graphics artists' was, "How can I get paid to do these graphics, instead of sending them out for free?".

Well, after some research, and a huge leap of faith in myself, and my abilities, I did just that. I started WebWench Graphics & Design with the intent of offering web design and graphics services. Through research for a Design client, I entered the world of Search Engine Optimization, which along the way introduced me to the endless supply of Internet Marketing information.

So, what was I left with at this point? A group of people that are skilled, and willing to work from their homes, and a ton of information on how to do just that. Knowing how cautious and weary this particular group is, I knew that direct marketing would never work, so I continued to become known within the forums.

Eventually, and very quietly, I started adding links and information (through the rotating banner) on an already popular tutorial page on my site. That was over a year ago, and the amount of traffic has not slowed! I offer quality, in demand content, and while my target market is happy and content, I offer them the information they've been looking for in regards to starting a home business.

It didn't happen overnight, and I did have to establish myself as a member of the graphics community first, but that's just a part of 'good business' anyway, right?

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About The Author:
Ginger Geracitano offers her experience as a Web Designer and Business & Marketing Coach through her weekly E-Zine, The Portal To Success. ( Subscribers receive tips, strategies, and her product reviews every Monday.


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