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Are You Ready to Succeed

By BB Lee
Posted Saturday, September 18, 2004

The Right Stuff!
Do you have the right stuff to start your own home based business? That is the first question you must know the answer to before you strike out on your own.

Next step, visualize what your life would be like if you were to start your own home business. Are you getting a good picture? Do you like what you see? Or do you shudder at the thought?

Still determined to start a business? Time to do a lot of research. Research is needed if you plan on succeeding in your new business venture. To find answers you will have to ask a lot of questions. First, seek out other business people who would like to mentor new business owners. Research at your local library or Online. A great place to start The Small Business Administration (

It may be difficult, but you have to be honest with yourself. Do you have the needed talent, skills, experience, to handle the daily task of running a home based business. If not, do you know where to obtain the education, certification, or training?

Are you financially secure enough to run a home business. You will need enough money to tide you over while you are trying to establish your business. Are you willing to give up a steady salary for the uncertainty of running your own business. Will your spouse or others help support you? Do you have a sizable bank account or other financial resources to tide you over for several months or even a few years?

Are you at odds with your family members over this business idea? Family members may not be supportive because they are fearful of what could happen without a steady income. You must face this possibility and understand why they may oppose your plans.

Are you thinking of getting rich over night with your business idea? Remember, success might take years. Even, if you have your game plan together.

The Game Plan!
Map out a business plan for at least one full year. Write down what you plan to accomplish in this time frame. Where you expect to be. At the end of the year, reassess your game plan; are you where you want to be? Do you need to re-think your strategy? You will probably redo it numerous times if you are in it for the long run.

Bad Reasons To Start A Home Business:
You think your Boss is an Idiot.
(Face it!..everyone thinks their boss is less

You hate your co-workers.
(Personality clashes are a part of life!)

You hate all the hard work you have to do at your job.
(Come'll have to work twice as hard with your biz)

You want to get rich quick.
(Only in your dreams sweetheart. Ever hear of sweat equity?)

You don't like working long or hard hours.
(Most business owners work double the hours with their home biz)

You want to take more vacations.
(Not if you want to succeed with your home business!)


Good Reasons To Start A Home Business:

You have been thinking about it for years.
(Visualization is the one of the best pre-planners)

You've mapped out a game plan.
(A sound business plan will show you the way to succeed.)

You have experience.
(Experience will help you weed out unnecessary steps.)

You have the necessary skills, and talents.
(This will propel your business into motion.)

Your family is behind you 100 per cent.
(A supportive family will do wonders for your peace of mind
and success.)

You have the finances.
(A hefty bank account couldn't hurt.)

FREE Home Business Success Tips Ebook (

About the Author
BB Lee is Editor/Publisher of SmallBizBits FREE Home Biz Newsletter. Subscribe FREE And Receive Your Bonus Ebooks Worth $100.00 (


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