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How To Increase traffic and get a better rank on Google

By Tony Farrell
Posted Saturday, December 11, 2004

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You have a business you want to promote. You’re looking for more traffic to your web site. But, how do you get that traffic and how do you get it for nothing?

Here’s a technique I use to increase web site traffic and get a better rank on Google. But, you need your own web site first. This won’t work for your otherwise.

Having said that, even if you don’t own a web site you should follow some of the steps here. The reason will become very clear nearer the end of this email.

What you are doing is researching for sites with a Google page rank of at least 4 and upwards that are relevant to the content of your site. Then link with them and have them link back to you.

To do this set up another page on your site for the purpose of including good quality links from other relevant sites.

Here's how to do it...

1. Download Alexa Toolbar and install it on your computer. Get it here: (

2. Download Goole Toolbar and install it on your computer. Get it here: (

3. Create a "Spreadsheet" using "Excel" and create a colum for each of the following...

URL, Contact Email, Owner's Name, Alexa Link Popularity, Google Rank, Contact 1, Contact 2, Contact 3, Link Accepted.

4. Go to Google Search Engine and key in a relevant keyword to your niche site.

5. When the results come up, go to each site (including the Google Ads that may come along with it)

6. Upon arriving at each site the first thing to check for is the Alexa Traffic Rank that shows up on your Alexa Toolbar. Aim for a traffic rank of 100,000 or less. Anything more than 100,000 leave the site and look for another one.

7. Next, look for the Google Page Rank. Aim for a PR (Page Rank) of "4" or more. Less than this leave the site and look for another one.

8. If you are happy with the Page Rank on Google and the Traffic Rank on Alexa, then place all relevant details on the spreadsheet you've created. Then move onto the next site.

9. Do this until you are satisfied with the number of possible contacts. You probably should aim to get 5 - 10 sites a day. Keep this up until you have reached the desired number of links you want on your page.

10. Set up a page on your own site and call it something like "Partner Links".

11. Now you need to put a link to their site from your niche mini site. Grab a bit of text from their site and place it in your "Partner Links" page. Then turn that text into a link to their site.

12. Email each web site owner letting the know who you are and that you placed a link to their site from your site. Then request that they link back to you. If they don't then just take their link down.

13. When you contact the web site owner, just place the date of contact on you spreadsheet under the colum "Contact 1". Any other contacts should be placed on the other "Contact" colums.

14. Whether a link has been accepted or not, just place a "Y" (for YES) or a "N" (for NO) in the colum entitled "Link Accepted".

That's it. I have done this for my site and am starting to see an better rank on Alexa and beginning to increase my PR rank on Google.

The thing with this method of getting a better rank on Google is that it's very time consuming and requires persistence on a daily basis. But it will work. Also, don't expect a positive response from every web site owner. Most likely you'll get more rejections than acceptances. Just carry on regardless.

The other thing is that you should ensure that you look for a Traffic Ranking of 100,000 or less on Alexa. This means that you are looking for high traffic web sites. This means a better chance of people clicking on your site. It only makes sense.

Also, you don't need millions of links from just any site to gain a better rank in Google. You need good quality links and this is a good method to do this. That's why I suggest looking for sites that have a Google PR rank of "4" or higher.

Remember I said that even if you don’t have a web site you should follow some of the steps here? Well here’s why...

The sites that have accepted your links are your future "Potential JV Partners". They're your number one contact names for Joint Ventures. They're the first people you contact with your offers for their customers and subscribers.

As you've done the research, don't just let all that work just sit there once you've created your link exchanges. You've just started a relationship with those people and you should make use of that opportunity. Even contact those who have not accepted a link to your site. Treat them as secondary contacts for Joint Venture purposes.

Just get crackin’ on this immediately.

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About the Author
Tony Farrell specializes in initiating successful start up of new businesses while providing internet marketing training through his ezine and email course. His course is a 10-part email sent every other day. Subscribe with a blamk email to or visit: (


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