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Conquering the search engines

By Clare Lawrence
Posted Thursday, October 7, 2004

Search engines can take one of several forms. Firstly there are the pure search engines such as Google (the leading search engine), which send out spiders or robots to scan web pages.

Next there are the meta search engines such as dogpile, which combine search engine results from multiple search engines.

Then there are the directories, typically these have some search characteristics of the pure search engines, but require websites to be manually submitted and reviewed before inclusion.

Directories often have human editors.

How do I get a good ranking in search engines? I am asked this a lot!

The key factors:-

1) Good content must come first. If your site is an authority on a subject it will do well.

2) Good selection of keywords and appropriate use of them within your copy text. Not too heavy so as to be overdone, not too light otherwise the search engines may miss-interpret the theme of your site.

3) Correct use of links, from related on their web pages. The more the better.

4) Inclusion in directories such as DMOZ ,Yahoo, allthebizz,

5) Correct meta tags are of less importance, but still worth getting right.

If you follow the above then you can expect to see respectable rating in 3-6 months time.

Remember good rankings take, time and hard work be patience.

About the Author
Clare Lawrence is CEO of Discount Domains Ltd – A leading UK provider of Domain name registration and Web Hosting services. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to ( Clare can also be contacted on


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