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Page-Rank Algorithm in Google Explained.

By Zeeshan Alam
Posted Monday, October 18, 2004

Are you ready for the changing google?

Yes, You know and I know Google is the world’s (I have no hesitation in saying the universe’s) biggest search engine, and you, a web-master, are trying day-and-night to get a good search-engine ranking in Google (with your low budget or you must have paid for page-ad and forget about all these). I am going to try to help you in making you understand How the google page – rank algorithm works! You think you know this: try this type link: at google search. Read the ‘number’ of results (say 56), now type “yoursite.+com”, now read the number of results (say 200). So here’s how the link strategy you been trying is helping or defeating you.

Before we start…

Page rank is assigned by google engine to all web-pages and NOT all web-sites, this mean you have a rank for your home page, your music page, your photo page and all. Anyway, unless you have all time on your hand you can go for trying to improve the page-rank of your home page.

Page rank is NOT the only criteria, it is one of the criteria, your title tag, meta tags, and keyword density has the same importance.

Now, Why 56 and why not 200 is your link popularity? The Answer is straight, Google guys do know how much clever you are and how you are filling and making link-farms with one-another. So google decided that no link farming would help. Google gives more importance to the sites, which are linked from with-in the content of the site rather than the link pages.

And above all, what is the page rank of the page that is linking to you, a site having a bad page-rank won’t be of much help, i.e. if you get linked from sites like:,, it would help you better than if you link your – self from 100 small sites. So when you are exchanging links make sure you are exchanging link with a renowned site or one having good search engine rank for certain keywords. This is one of the reason why people pay $249 for getting listed in Yahoo directory.

Conclusion: Ok, but why should some – one link to my site from with in the content of the site and not the link exchange (unless of course I pay them or put a revolver on his back)? Provide quality content, write articles and encourage people to put it on their sites. Give freebies, why so many hosting companies giving free web-space, only because it is making their link become visible to more and more people. Just think how many people use free version and that’s why it’s one of the good page-ranker. Not to forget the PDF files all linking to Adobe and that’s why they are there. You can start giving something free, and see the result. Find out the (good) sites who may be interested in doing mutual interchange of links from the home – page, you can put there link at the bottom in gray color and ask the same from them.

At the end, Google bot is, but a program. And human brain can, as usual defeat it. Good luck.

Note: The information given is on experimental basis, no legal proof or documents available. People can try the ideas given on their own risk.

About the Author
I, Zeeshan Alam, am associated with the development of AceSpy ( a PC monitoring and blocking software) ( And A1 Spy Software (Download any spy software and get another free) ( You can email me at remove NOSPAM


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